version n. 1.翻译;译本,译文。 2.(个人对某事的)说法,不同看法[意见]。 3.版本;形式,型;变形,变体。 4.改写本;经过改编的乐曲。 5.〔常 V- 〕基督教《圣经》的译本。 6.表演。 7.【医学】胎位倒转(术);子宫倾侧。 the Authorized V- (詹姆斯王)钦定《圣经》英译本〔略 A.V. 〕。 the Revised V- 《圣经》英译修订本〔略 R.V. 〕。 the dramatic version of a novel 一部小说的戏剧改编本。 What is your version of the affair 你对于这件事的看法怎么样?
The Revised Standard Version (RSV) is an English translation of the Bible published in several parts during the mid-20th century. The RSV is an authorized revision of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901.